

Welcome to the blog of col.legi Sant Miquel’s English Casal. 
Through this blog, we’ll keep you updated on the day-to-day activities that the children will be doing. Also, you will be able to see pictures, videos, texts written in English by the children themselves, and you will have access to the schedule. Moreover, this blog intends to be a communicative tool between the monitors and the parents, since we will keep reminding you of the schedule, the activities the children will be doing the following day and the required clothing for such activities, among other issues.
We hope that the children enjoy the Casal with us and have fun with this blog, which will also be their space. Also, we hope they improve their English and they learn about English-speaking cultures through different leisure activities and sports!


Benvinguts i benvingudes al bloc del Casal d’anglès del col·legi Sant Miquel. Des d’aquest bloc us anirem informant del dia a dia dels nens al casal. Així, podreu conèixer les activitats que s’han realitzat durant el dia, i podreu veure fotografies, vídeos i, fins i tot, textos realitzats pels nens. També podreu consultar els horaris i les activitats que els nens realitzaran el dia següent. A més, aquest bloc funcionarà com una eina de comunicació monitors-pares, ja que us anirem recordant els dies de les sortides, el vestuari que necessitaran, etc.
Esperem que els nens gaudeixin del casal, d’aquest espai, que també serà seu, i que aprenguin molt d’anglès i de les cultures de parla anglesa mitjançant activitats de lleure i esport!

2 comentarios:

  1. I am very happy because I will go to the english casal.
    I like the monitor's descripcion. They are very beautiful.


  2. Thank you very much for your comment, Anna. We are also very happy to have you in the casal!
    Have a nice weekend and get ready for Monday! :)
