
Day 2, Week 2!

Dear all,
we'd like to apologize for the errors in the ICT videos we uploaded yesterday. We have detected the mistakes and at the end of this post, you have the links to the videos! We're so sorry and we hope it did not cause any inconvenience.

Apart from that, today we had a busy day! We did arts and crafts, oral English, ICT,  storytelling, games, phonics, and the gymhkana and water games!! It was so fun!

Tomorrow we're going to the Escola de Vent, in Badalona. So remember that you'll need:
-A towel
-Swimmimng suit
-Suncream and a cap
-Extra water, just in case!
- Flip-Flops
-Comfortable shoes
-The casal's T-shirt.

Get ready for the excursion, boys and girls!

primer de tot, ens volem disculpar per les errades als vídeos d'ICT que vàrem pujar ahir. Hem detectat l'errada i al final del post us presentem, de nou, els links! Ens sap molt greu i esperem que no hàgim causat cap molèstia.

A banda d'això, avui hem tingut un dia ben ocupat! Hem fet manualitats, anglès oral, ICT, conta-contes, jocs, phonics, i la gimcana i els jocs d'aigua!!Ha estat molt divertit!

Demà anem a l'Escola de Vent, a Badalona. Per tant, recordeu que necessitareu:
- Una tovallola
- Crema protectora i una gorra
-Sabates còmodes
-La samarreta del casal.
Prepareu-vos per l'excursió, nens i nenes!

Group 1 A
Group 1B
Group 2 A
Group 2 B
Group 3 A
Group 3 B
Group 4
Group 5

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