
Day 5, Week 2

Yesterday we closed the second week of English and Civilisations 2013. It was great to see all the performances that the kids had been preparing during the week. In the morning, we went to Ca'n Negre, in Sant Joan Despí, and we did some workshops with ink and Roman numbers, and we made a mosaic! It was really cool!
Finally, we'd like to say good-bye to those who are not coming back next week. It's been a pleasure to have you all with us and we hope to see you again next year!

Also, to those who are coming on Monday, remember that 2nd and 3rd primary students will have pool time so bring your swimming costume!

Have a nice weekend!


Ahir vàrem tancar la segona setmana de English and Civilisations 2013. Va ser genial veure totes les actuacions que els nens i nenes havien estat preparant durant la setmana. Pel matí, vàrem anar a Ca'n NEgre, a Sant Joan Despí, i vàrem fer uns tallers amb tinta i números romans, i també vàrem fer un mosaic. Va ser molt guai!

Finalment, volem dir adéu als que ja no tornen la setmana que ve. Ha estat un plaer tenir-vos amb nosaltres, i esperem tornar-vos a veure l'any que ve!

També volem recordar a aquells que venen dilluns, que els alumnes de 2n i 3r de primària faran piscina, per tant, cal que porteu l'equip!

Bon cap de setmana!

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