
Week 3, day 2

Hi everybody!
It has been a pretty busy day! We've played some sports, we've been to the cinema, and many other activities but, the most important thing is that we've prepared a videoclip! It's been a difficult task but we've put a lot of energy and enthusiasm and we're sure that the result is going to be really cool! Unfortunately, you will only be able to see it on Friday, because we're still working in it but... here you have some pictures, the making-off of the video!!!
On the other hand, tomorrow we're going to Illa Fantasia, so REMEMBER to bring with you:
- Swimming costume
- A cap
-A towel and flip-flops
- Water!
- The Casal's t-shirt
- Lunch (if you did not ask for picnic) and a snack for the morning break!

We'll live at 9 a.m. and we'll be back at around 17h.


Hola a tots i totes!
Quin dia més ocupat que hem tingut! Hem fet esport, hem anat al cinema i hem fet moltes altres activitats, però allò més important és  el nostre videoclip! Hem fet un videoclip al casal! Ha estat una feina dura, però amb energia i entusiasme  que hi hem posat, estem segurs que el resultat serà genial!
 Ens sap greu dir-vos que haureu d'esperar al divendres per veure el resultat final, ja que encara estem treballant-hi, però aquí us deixem unes fotografies del making-off del videoclip!!!

D'altra banda, recordeu que demà anem a Illa Fantasia, així uqe penseu a portar:

- banyador
- una tovallola i unes xancles
- aigua!
- la samarreta del casal
-dinar (si no heu demanat picnic) i esmorzar pel matí!

Marxarem cap a les 9h i tornarem cap a les 17, aproximadament!


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