
Week 3, day 3

The so much expected outing has finished! And the truth is that we had a fantastic day in illa fantasia. The rides were amazing and we could all have fun there. Here you have some pics, as usual, of the excursion.
Oh, and remember that tomorrow we have pool time, so you'll need the swimming costume, the bathing cap, the towel, flip-flops, etc!!
See you tomorrow!

La tan esperada sortida ha acabat!  I la veritat és que hem passat un dia fantàstic a illa fantasia. Les atraccions eren impressionants i ens ho hem pogut passar d'allò més bé allà. Aquí teniu unes fotos, com sempre, de l'excursió.
Oh, i recordeu que demà tenim piscina, així que heu de portar el banyador, la gorra de piscina, la tovallola, xancles, etc!!

Fins demà!

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